
Thursday, March 18, 2010

I know, I know. I'm sorry.

Bad blogger. January! That's got to be the longest I've gone without a post since I started this blog. In my defence, it's been a kerazy few months with new job, passing my degree, DD starting pre-school and generally struggling to keep on top of all the everyday mundane stuff that goes on.

However, I have been taking photos. January brought snow. And I practiced my skills with the macro setting:

Then came February. More snow. Or rather, the snow that never went away. We finally bought a sledge of sorts and had some fun in the sun:

Then March, and rain. But the best thing to do when it rains is....

dress up. Oops, no sorry. I meant:

run through all the puddles. But seeing as I don't have any wellies, I just took photos. Lots of them!

But then I've also been crocheting a bit, and I've finally finished sewing together the first block of 24 squares for THAT bedspread that I've started on. And bought another 16 (Eek) balls of silver, as I decided to add another row of the silver around the edge to stop my eyeballs vibrating with the bright colours.

(The above photo is with the bumpy seams. The one below is with smooth seams)

And I love it. It might take me the next two years to finish it, but I know that when I do, I'm going to want to pat it smooth each morning over my bed, which might even encourage me to make it each day.

So what have you been up to? I know I've been bad at visiting people these last few months too, but I aim to catch up soon! Oh, and please have a guess at who my darling man was dressed up as...


Julie Kirk said...

Poirot? Surely?

Loving the bedspread beginnings :)

Julia Dunnit said...

Hercule, bien sur?
Love the crochet, it;s really coming on..and it doesn't make eyeballs vibrate!!

the green gal said...

Oh your crochet is beautiful! Already the bedspread looks gorgeous, it's going to be fantastic when it's finished.

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos! Now that spring is here, you can practice that macro setting on the flowers coming up. Love the bedspread progress too... keep it up and keep updating us.

Janice xxxx said...

Ah, but zat is where you are wrong....ha ha oui, je crois c'est Hercule.
You are the most rubbishest blogger on my stalk list. You are skating on thin ice lady....
Luuurrve that crochet - we have a right clasher of a one on Oliver's bed - but it's soooo heavy and comforting and the cat loves it too.
And bloody well done on your degree!

Unknown said...

Trees - I deleted your comment accidentally. You said "Curious to know, did you dress up too?
And please say it was just for a regular night in watching the telly."

My answer? Alas no. It was National Book Day or something at OH's school where he teaches (obviously) and they had to dress up as literary characters. One day, I will. And I'll blog it. I promise :)

Heather said...

a very slim version of poirot n'est pa?
lovely selection of photos & great fun reading your narrative!!
does it feel good to have found time to blog at last?!! lol xx

vicki archer said...

Have a happy Easter...and thank you for the lovely photos. xv